Want to be an Explorer
The next Open House will be held on May 7th. To become a Castle Rock Explorer you must have completed the eighth grade and be between 14 and 20 years old. Interested applicants need to email Engineer Taylor Reifschneider at treifschneider@crgov.com. The first step will be to attend the open house on May 7th and then observe a minimum of two meetings held in May on Tuesday from 1700 - 2000. These two meetings are for you to understand what the post is all about, the commitment that is involved, and to immerse you into the explorer program. This is known as the "Observer Stage". The second step is to fill out an application and all required forms and submit them by the start of academy. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of open positions available, interviews will be conducted to determine which candidates will be accepted into the program. The third step is once all required paper work is filled out, you will be issued an explorer task book and bunker gear (Protective firefighting gear that includes: Helmet, SCBA Mask, Protective Hood, Coat, Pants, Suspenders, Gloves, and Bunker Boots). While in Explorer Post 107 you will be expected to maintain an acceptable attendance record as well as perform well in school, explorers are required to maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.
We are excited about your interest in Explorer Post 107 and hope to see you at our next academy!
Page Last Updated: Apr 03, 2024 (07:35:36)